
The Watchlist category contains reviews, recommendations or opinions about any content - Movies, TV Shows, books - that I find interesting. Note: The Watchlist has now moved to Celluloid Journeys - the new home for all storytelling discussions!
  • The Spiderverse

    This week has been awash with rumours and speculations about the new Spider-man flick. It all led to this question: “Is a live action spider-verse finally happening?” While the claims were debunked, I still thought it would be interesting to look at the evolution of the live action spider-man over the years!

  • Talks everyone should watch!

    Conference talks are a great way to gain a new perspective on things you know about or even learn something new. Here’s a curated list of interesting tech talks worth checking out!

  • The Holmes I didn't know about!

    I was excited about Millie Bobby Brown’s Enola Holmes. It’s been a while since anything related to Sherlock Holmes had come out and Enola was not part of the established canon either. I was curious to see how it panned out.

  • Tech documentaries

    Some interesting content to watch, while also briefly looking at how tech is represented and why that approach is taken.