Code Quality

  • Writing a Custom Linter Plugin - Part 2

    Okay, let’s write a simple linter plugin using the basics discussed in the last post. This plugin will check for the use of eval functions in the code. Now Pylint already has this feature by default, but let’s write our one of our own to see how easy it is to write one. Once we are done with this...

  • Writing a Custom Linter Plugin - Part 1

    In the last post, I had written about how a linter helps us write better code while also ensuring language / organization specific compliance rules. I also mentioned that we could write custom rules or plugins to extend existing linter capabilities. While the concepts will remain pretty much the same, the exact implementation of the plugin will depend on...

  • Linters are your friends

    We have all experienced this. You spend hours writing your code & every now and then tiny little squiggles pop up underneath your code. There appearance can mean only one thing , “Something is wrong and it needs to be fixed”. The program that is responsible for making this happen is called The Linter.