Talks everyone should watch!

Conference talks are a great way to gain a new perspective on things you know about or even learn something new. Here’s a list of interesting talks that are worth checking out! Many of these talks related directly to things I was working on, and in other cases, about software development in general. In no particular order:

“Good Enough” Architecture - Stefan Tilkov

This talk is a must watch! Over the course of this video, Stefan Tilkov discusses about the development efforts put forth in deciding the system architecture - Either too much or too little - and also shows you a lot of real world examples of software architectures and discusses the mistakes, if any and learnings.

It probably sounds boring, but that is totally because of the way I am describing it. Tilkov makes it very interesting. Do check it out.

What I Wish I Had Known Before Scaling Uber to 1000 Services - Matt Ranney

Another interesting and informative talk on System Architecture. We get a first hand experience of how it was to build something like Uber. Matt Ranney presents a variety of learnings that he had over the the first 1.5 years as Uber expanded all over the world.

The talk provides a lot of insight on the good and bad of microservices, scaling at a fast pace, multiple coding languages, team growth, politics - basically every aspect of a company. There is a wealth of information in this video!

Microservices at Netflix Scale: Principles, Tradeoffs & Lessons Learned - R. Meshenberg

This is one of my favorite talks! You get a behind-the-scenes look at how Netflix works. Netflix is known for its successful adoption of Microservices at a global scale. Here, we see how they managed to achieve it and also the amount of effort that goes into ensuring that it is always up and running.

The talk also gives us a glimpse of their work culture. There is a lot going on when we click play on our screens!

Okay, I know what you are thinking. You caught me. I spend a lot of time in the GOTO Conferences channel. And what an amazing channel it is. Definitely worth subscribing too, and following it in the future.

Code as Risk - Kevlin Henney

Code is at the heart of everything we do. And at times it fails. Sometimes in our local systems or sometimes very publicly. Kevlin Henney is known for letting the world know about these public failures! If you don’t know what I am talking about, watch the video.

This talk broadly covers how the efficiency of coding is sacrified because of various reasons and how it affects the security of the application as a whole. It also shows you what can be done to avoid it.

Clean Code - Uncle Bob’s Coding lessons

Not a GOTO conference video! You have probably heard of Uncle Bob. If you haven’t, then this video give you an idea of who he is. This video is a part of a series of 6 videos that talk about the concept of Software Craftsmanship.

It talks about Clean coding practices, common failures and emphasises the idea that code is what matters. There are also lessons on Clean Architecture. While you can also find smaller variations of the same talk in other places, this long version is worth the time.

The Many Meanings of Event-Driven Architecture - Martin Fowler

How can I make a list without mentioning Martin Fowler! This talk specifically may not interest everyone. But Martin Fowler has a lot of talks on a various aspects of software design and architecture. He has, in many cases, coined a lot of terms that we use and his blog has been the goto reference (see what I did there! :wink:) for a lot of things. Do check out his work!

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