Brief Intro
A Computer Science & Engineering Major and a Full Stack Software Engineer & Roboticist by profession, I have been primarily involved in building Intelligent & Autonomous Collaborative Multi-Agent Robotics systems (static and mobile manipulators, drones) with AI Planning (Automated Planning and Scheduling), Computer Vision and Machine Learning.
My experience ranges from programming individual robots to designing end-to-end Multi-Agent Collaborative workflows that incorporate Perception, Intelligence, Resource Optimization and Real-time Decision Making. I also build the associated REST Microservices, Single Page Web-Apps and DevOps pipelines to package these research concepts as real world products. I have spearheaded the development of two Robotics Platforms that have been at the core of various solutions developed by our team at Wipro’s Robotics Practice.
My research interests include Human-Robot Interaction & Collaboration, Human-Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence, Multi Agent Systems and Computer Graphics. I am really passionate about developing the next generation of Human-Centric Interactive technologies and bringing them to the real world as accessible, affordable solutions.
Other Interests
I am a hobbyist magician / mentalist and perform occasionally. I am also an avid cinephile and love watching & discussing films and tv shows. I also make short films once in a while.
Tech And Storytelling
Storytelling has evolved over the centuries and it is obvious that the next evolution is going to be intertwined with tech. A personal interest of mine has been about exploring how Robotics, AI, Mixed Reality and games continue to change the Storytelling landscape ( I am a cinephile and hobbyist film-maker). I have been writing about these changes in the series: “Tech Behind Storytelling”.
The Blog
I have not made many posts to this blog recently. I was focused on building Celluloid Journeys - a new home for all storytelling discussions. While the old posts will still remain, I plan to dedicate this blog primarily to write about my latest tech explorations starting with some of my work in Robotics.
Latest from the Blog!
Tech Behind Storytelling - CGI Tales
TBSStar Wars redefined blockbuster entertainment. But the franchise also contributed many things to the Storytelling world. Here’s a brief intro!
First Look - Imagineering's Project Kiwi
TBS, RoboticsOne of the things I was building towards when I started writing the “Tech Behind Storytelling” series in my blog, was about how Robotics is helping in shaping the current storytelling experiences and how it will define the future of...
Talk on Interactive Robotics
General, RoboticsLast Friday, I had given a talk at Designit Bengaluru. The talk covered my work, interests and the significant influence of Pop Culture in Robotics. I also briefly covered the challenges involved in designing Interactive Robots as seen in fiction...