Personal Projects

A few of my personal projects are described below. I will try to expand on these projects later on in the blog. You can find the code for most of these works and many others over at my github profile.

This Website

This website is currently my most important personal project. I have been meaning to start a blog for a while. But after trying out some popular blogging services, I decided to stick with Jekyll + Github Pages.

My work is equally distributed in both writing content as well as designing the look & feel of the site. Github takes care of the hosting. Frequent visitors of the website might have noticed that the website has been changing gradually.

You can always let me know if there is something that requires my immediate attention with regards to the usability of this site. It will be greatly helpful :smiley:

AI Powered Chessboard

Pic of the Chessboard

“Why don’t we make wizard’s chess?”

A project that shares two of my passions - Films and Software - it involved designing a cost effective prototype for a chessboard that the user can play against. I was lucky to have 2 friends who shared the vision. We wanted to replicate the magic of wizard chess - so, no nasty visible contraptions that can ruin the feel of the game for a player. This ended up being our capstone project and we documented the process here

While we didn’t quite achieve everything we set out to do, we still managed to create a working prototype. This is one project that I want to revisit now and see how it can be improved. As the original website was a day to day tracker, it would be hard to follow and I might do a easier to read version here.

Room temperature control and monitoring System using Deep Learning

Image with just alt text

Tools Used: Python, SQLite, Raspberry Pi, HTML5, JQuery, Bootstrap, Flask

This system learns the user preferences, using Deep Learning Techinques and then predicts the optimal temperature. The user can change the preferences and monitor the system statistics using a website from any location

Tamil Handwritten Character Recognition using Deep Learning

Image with just alt text

Tools Used: Python, TensorFlow, JQuery, Bootstrap, Flask

An interactive website wherein the user can write characters of the Tamil language. The website gives the recognition probabilities based on the character they have written using convolutional neural networks. The website can also be used to gather more training data from people who know the language

A game theoretical approach to solve Network Congestion

Image with just alt text

Tools Used: C++, NS2

A game theoretical approach is proposed to resolve network congestion among competing flows. An optimal and fixed congestion window size is allocated to each node in the network at the end of the game.

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